Knowing how to centre yourself is fundamental to meditation practice. To illustrate this, think of a spinning. Everything spins around a central hub which stays firmly in place. In the same way I can be in the centre of many things happening around, yet stable and calm in spite of what's going on. I have a better chance of seeing things as they really are. If I spin together with the spinning of things, I will have a fractured vision of everything. Let's practice:
I sit comfortably with my back neither rigid nor slack.
Just comfortable.
I become aware of the things around. I use my sense organs to do this.
I keep my eyes half-open so I can see colours and forms. I can hear things around me. I can feel the temperature. I am aware of my own breathing.
There are 360° of things happening around me and I am sitting at the centre of it all.
Not just in the centre of of space with past is gone everything of the past is gone. The past has gone.
The future hasn't arrived yet. I really only have the present moment.
So I enjoy myself in the centre of the space where I am sitting.
I am also in the centre of time between the past and the present.
I really feel this and become very still, just observing.
I’m not only at the centre of these things I’m also at the centre of my life.
Though there are many things around me physically, many parts of my life are not present.
There are people and objects that I am connected with – relationships, roles, responsibilities, tasks.
There is a network of people and objects spreading out from me in the centre. As I become more stable and calm, I have an impact on this network of things and people. I stay in the centre of 360° of space around me and also in the centre of my life.
I remain a few more moments in this state and gradually come back to the normality of my surroundings.
Text from the Live and Meditate Channel ( and Video #5
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