Monday, November 30, 2020

Leadership 101

Over the years I have seen many leadership styles. The almost extinct command and control, transactional leadership, transformational, inspirational, the leader as servant, example, facilitator, etc.

Personally, I have focused on self-leadership because I know that our real ability to lead others is commensurate with our ability to lead ourselves.
When I look inside and just see tremendous confusion or tension, this naturally affects my ability to deal with situations and people.
One question I always ask at leadership or organizational development seminars is this: Are people happier when you arrive or when you leave? It does not mean that you have to be an angel, but rather, you need to respect others. Even when you need to correct someone, you do it in such a way that it does not destroy their hearts. So they will appreciate your presence and not your absence.
Another good question is why someone would follow you anyway. If you go in some new direction, look back and there is no one following, you probably are not a leader. Only someone who has a post or position.
In fact, leadership is not difficult. Make a list of everything you enjoy in others' treatment of you. Practice this consciously. Make another list of everything you dislike in others' treatment of you. Avoid this consciously.
That's it. Leadership 101.

Text from the Live and Meditate Channel ( and Video #12

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